Saturday, May 4, 2013

Fat Girl Loves Food

I'm fat. There, I put it out there. But guess what? I'm trying to change that! But just because I'm attempting to start a healthier lifestyle does not mean I have to live on rice cakes and water! I recently joined Weight Watchers after encouragement from two separate doctors. I'll admit I was skeptical. I thought for sure I was going to be stuck eating rabbit food for the rest of eternity. After I signed up, I started looking at the whole point system and was extremely relieved to find that many of my favorite foods were easily adapted to fit right in. Hooray! The only thing I've really had to work at cutting out was sweets. Because, let's face it, I'd rather eat real food all day long than one sweet treat that wastes my points! Don't get me wrong, I am definitely taking advantage of the fact that 9 Hershey's kisses are only 5 points+.

The WW website suggests stocking a "solo kitchen" and looking to frozen meals as an easy way to control how many points you consume. But I'm not really feeling the frozen food route. And although I find that I am becoming obsessed with calculating points and think about food all day long, the program is giving me the opportunity to try making new foods. A couple of nights ago I made a delicious chicken, spinach, pineapple pizza. Each (huge) slice was only 10 points+. Mmm mmm!

©Sarah Hodges 2013

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